
Examination/Condition Assessments and Documentation

Conservators and technicians at AJCS, LLC have conducted object examinations varying widely in scope and across a broad range of media. Whether it is an examination for purchase consideration or a condition assessment and treatment proposal for a project requiring conservation treatment, AJCS, LLC can help. 

Documentation is provided to your desired level of detail. While all conservation treatment projects must be documented, the level of detail can vary with both the treatment requirements and project budget. 

Conservation Treatment

Our conservators and technicians can perform a wide range of conservation treatments across most media. We have successfully researched and treated sculptures and three dimensional decorative arts from metal and stone, to ceramics and glass, wood, plastics and other organic media. We have also worked on period lighting and historic garden ornament. Our broad range of experience includes pieces from pre-history to contemporary art.

Consulting Services

We can help with treatment design and troubleshooting as well as preparing bid documents and specifications. On many larger projects it is also possible for us to train and assist your teams.

Laser Cleaning Services, Training, Laser Rental and Sales

AJCS performs laser cleaning projects from small sculptural objects, to projects on an architectural scale. Our team has experience with both fixed and scanning optic systems from 5W - 1000W, operating in the infrared (at 1064 and 2940nm) and the visible (532nm, green) wavelengths. We also offer laser training and can arrange both laser rentals and purchases through our affiliates.

Exhibit Installation

We and our affiliated colleagues have worked extensively in, and with, museums on exhibition driven projects. AJCS can assist you with case requirements, mounts and installation design.

Sculpture Installation

Our conservators and technicians have been involved with many sculpture installation projects. These range from small to monumental, indoor and outdoor, and site-specific. We have worked with many respected art handling and rigging firms in the US and Europe and we have good working relationships with structural engineers, when projects require it.


AJCS has built mounts for a wide range of museum objects. Projects have ranged from small brass wire mounts for decorative arts collections, to more complex engineered panel or stainless steel and carbon fiber mounts for multi-piece assemblies.

Other Services

Object Loans and Professional Art Courier Services

Members of the AJCS team and our affiliated professionals have extensive experience as couriers for artwork. We have been involved in all phases of the loan process and can assist you with all aspects of your loan. We can help you:

  • establish loan requirements - environmental specifications, case requirements, etc.
  • evaluate crate design
  • prepare condition documentation with instrumental monitoring of the shipment
  • by actually accompanying the artwork on both delivery and pick-up.

Artist Services - Material Selection and Troubleshooting

Conservators have specialized training in and exposure to a wide variety of materials. If you are an artist seeking a solution to a specific problem or general assistance with material selection, we can often help you find materials with the right characteristics.